Sunday, March 14, 2010

Guardian – Big Headz Stuffed Toy

Yeah! Finally I got my very own Big Headz Stuffed Toy!

Has been struggling hard to collect all the stamps to redeem the toy. Thanks to all my frens, colleague & sis for being kind enough to "donate" some of their stamps to me so that I just need to pay RM18.90 for the cute little one.

When I first saw the Big Headz Stuffed Toy displaying on the shelf, the first thing I did is stick my fingers into the toy's nose. These toys own such design that you were so tempt to poke into their nose. This desire has driven me to have one of these toys of my own desperately :) .

I am sure some of you will do the same if you see these toys. Even my housemate did the same every time he sees them...hehe~~!