Thursday, December 18, 2008
1998 年就开始搞生活营,而儿童生活营当督导到今年就已经当了10年了, 不折不扣地是一个“老营虫”。但是,我依然乐在其中。定慧居的欢喜苑佛学儿童生活营已经到了第六届,它依然是小菩萨们欢喜的地方,也是我欢喜的地方。
进了营之后,发现自己充满着欢喜, 每一分每一秒都是非常愉快,笑声不断。小菩萨们很顽皮,照顾他们有时会很累,又不够睡,可是心灵的喜悦却远远的超过了一切。也许这就是我每一年都会坚持由参与的理由吧。
朋友,我真的如你所说的 "经历了岁月的摧残...", 可是我还有一颗年轻的心哦!还可以跟你疯疯癫颠地到你投降,接招吧!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Little 習慣
1. 總會忘記一些小細節(懷疑自己是不是患有什麼老人痴呆症或者腦袋不正常或太常敲到頭﹐腦震蕩了...) :
- 很生氣某個人﹐卻往往會忘記為了什麼而生氣............所以吵架輸了!
- 某個人一直拗氣﹐卻往往會忘記為了什麼而吵架...........所以吵架也輸了!
- 很討厭一個跟我很親的朋友﹐只記得他在我背後中傷我﹐卻因忘了他中傷我什麼........所以吵架又輸了!
- 只記得自己的立場是對的﹐卻往往會忘記對在哪裡.........所以吵架還是輸了!
Moral of the story: 失憶是很吃虧的﹐所以好好保護你的頭﹐別讓它敲來敲去﹗
2. 吃東西 :
- 不知zomok ﹐就算很飽﹐自己會無端端地跑去買McDonald Chocolate Sundae或 McFlurry Oreo或 Kitkat 來吃。 吃了之後才恍然大悟發現自己原來剛才心情不好。 長這麼大了才發現自己心情不好時﹐會automatic 找朱古力來吃﹐讓自己快樂起來。唉喲﹐正是有夠遲鈍的了!
3. 自言自語 :
- 自己一個人去shopping時﹐會喃喃自語﹐來決定改買的東西。這還不算奇怪﹐更神的是﹐我會一人分釋演兩個人對話﹐象有精神分裂的人一樣。對話裡還有 其中一方被對方責罵﹐另一方﹐會乖乖地聽話﹐而且七情上面......嚇到了吧? 我也是最近才發現 如果我自己一個人時﹐我就會上演這樣精彩的一幕......我看我真的有病了......希望我沒有嚇到旁邊一起購物的人...... hehehe.......
不知道除了這些﹐我還有沒有其他變態的習慣呢 ? 真讓人期待....hehee.....
Days in Ipoh "measuring land"
After leaving Ipoh for so long period of time, finally I get the chance to stay in my kampung and have a relaxing holiday. I have been spending too much time in KL until I felt that I have been losing my way. I don't know the right way to go and becoming so hot temper, feeling like my personality is changing. I was becoming so afraid of communicating with people becos all the ppl around me in KL is so clever in talking. I am feeling like I am losing my confident.
As in these 3 weeks in Ipoh, I was being able to meet up my best fren since we were in secondary school. It was so nice and comfortable to be with my old fren again.
Other than that, I was being able to go back to my buddhist school to visit my dear students. The number of students attending the buddhist class is getting less. I am so worried about this issue as there is no one else there can fully involved themselves into this to teach those children. I felt so glad on that day although I was only teaching them how to dance and how to sing. The smiles on their face gave me a lot of satisfaction. I really don't want to see them lossing the great chance to be able to grow up healthily.