I am very proud of being a February baby and I love being an Aquarius.
As much as I am in love with my own birthday, to be born in February, there are some Pro's and Con's.
As much as I am in love with my own birthday, to be born in February, there are some Pro's and Con's.
Normally, for Chinese New Year, it always fall on end of Jan or on beginning of Feb. The best thing about this is I got to receive 2 packets of ang pau from my aunties who always remember my birthday. Other than this, during this period, everyone around you are very happy and everywhere is full of celebration. You can feel like everyone is celebrating with you and being surrounded by happiness even though they are just having fun because of CNY.
The bad thing is, everyone is busy celebrating CNY and they might just forgot about your birthday. I can hardly organise a night out or party during this period since everyone is having their very own party or some will be at their own hometown. Some shopping centres and restaurants are even closed that I cannot even go out and treat myself a good birthday meal.
Anyway, my frens will always celebrate with me after the CNY break. I am very grateful about this even though it is a bit late.
Thank you frens and colleagues for the gifts and wishes.
My birthday has always been very much blessed with all of you good people around me.

Presents from a group of frens that has been celebrating my birthday with me for these few years.
Thanks Efun, Wong, Chun, Kin Meng, Siew Ting and Evonne! Muakss!

Random wishes from my new colleagues. Brightens up my day~~!
Everyone seems like to doodle a lot. : )
Everyone seems like to doodle a lot. : )
Now that I am another year older, there is a long list of things that I wish to do before reaching certain age that I might not have the strength anymore to complete them.
So, like what I have been wishing for all my past birthdays, I wish that I will stay Healthy and Energetic to continue with whatever that I have been enjoyed doing for all this while. : )